
Name:  Gobi

Age:     4 months

Breed: DSH

Sex:  Male



We are scheduling appointments for adopters to come in and meet our available cats.  You do not need to choose a specific cat and we are not placing cats on hold for specific adopters.  
Gobi is a sweet boy who is full of energy and mischief. He is the only boy in a litter of four born at their foster home. He was the first to figure out how to eat solid food, how to venture away from mom as a baby, and first to figure out how to knock the computer mouse off the desk and playfully watch it dangle. He also loves his non-computer mice too, pouncing on his toy squeakers pretending to be a ferocious tiger. He is definitely the most adventurous of the crew. However, Gobi is afraid of heights, so he asked that you be sitting on the ground if you are to pick him up. If you carry him in your arms while standing, the cutest squeaks  and cries will be heard throughout the household. The same goes if he’s left by himself in a room.
Gobi loves to start wrestling matches with his sisters, but is often needing to be rescued when his sister starts to dominate. His favorite thing to do is walk around a room swatting at anything resembling a toy including crumbled up Post-it notes, Dunkin straws, and his own tail. Gobi is high energy and needs a companion to play with at all times. He loves toys that look like mice and balls that have bells/noisemakers inside.  He also loves to climb everywhere and anywhere so the more places to safely jump up and explore, the better. Gobi is also a master napper. He has been seen fast asleep on his back with paws in the air more often than the typical “curled up cat position” which makes for hilarious photo moments. He is so excited to start his life in his forever home, and to bring his energy and excitement to his new family.
Adoptions are now done by appointment only.  Email poaplacement@gmail.com for more info and an  appointment.

Adoptions are now done by appointment only. Email poaplacement@gmail.com for more info and an appointment.

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