
Name:  Ewok

Age:     2 years

Breed: DSH

Sex:  Male



We are scheduling appointments for adopters to come in and meet our available cats.  You do not need to choose a specific cat and we are not placing cats on hold for specific adopters.  
If I had a day that I could give you,
I’d give you to a day just like today.
And if I had a song that I could sing to you,
I’d sing a song to make you feel this way.
Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy,
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry. . . .
~ John Denver
Ewok is a sunbeam in a fur coat. It is impossible to meet this joyful boy and not fall in love with him.
Which is why Ewok also breaks our hearts.
Two-year-old Ewok is one of the happiest, bounciest, lovingest cats you’ll ever meet. As soon as you meet him, you know that his heart is full of love for everybody and everything. Whether he’s accepting affection from humans or racing across the floor after a laser light, Ewok is a boy who revels in everything the world has to offer. As innocent as a child jumping into a leaf pile, Ewok flings himself headlong into life as if nothing bad could ever happen to such a good boy.
Ewok came to us from a loving family, and it shows. He adores people, and he’ll call out to them for attention. He’s unfazed by other cats who may want to join in his playtime, but he’s just as happy to play on his own, batting a toy spring or a ping-pong ball around. He still has the long, lanky physique of a teenage kitten, with exquisite dark gray fur accented with snowy white feet, a creamy blaze on his chest, and a chin that looks as if he dipped it into his morning milk.
In a way, it’s Ewok’s joie de vivre that makes his present circumstance so hard. You see, as Ewok runs and plays, he has no idea that he has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which means that his beautiful, loving heart is damaged. He is currently on medication (which he takes easily in a pill pocket) and will need monitoring, but he is not in any discomfort. Ewok doesn’t know that this condition will likely keep him from embracing this bright world for as long as he might want. Completely unaware of what his future holds, Ewok throws himself into every day, scrambling up cat towers in search of a laser light and batting springs around the floor.
It’s going to be up to Ewok’s people to handle the challenges his heart condition will bring. Our adoption team will explain to interested adopters what his condition will mean, both in terms of medical care and the reality that his life expectancy will likely be shorter than average. Because even though loving Ewok is one of the easiest things a person can do, the right adopter for this beautiful boy will also need to be ready to handle some of the hardest things.
Ewok is a very special cat. He needs a very special adopter, one who understands what his heart condition will require and will commit to providing that love and care. While we recognize that adopting a cat with a medical condition like Ewok’s can be bittersweet, we also know that there’s a unique bond with the ones who need you more—and we know that loving and being loved by Ewok will make it all worthwhile.
If you’d like to meet Ewok and learn more about his condition, please fill out the application. Our placement team will be in touch via email to answer any questions, walk you through our process, and give you an appointment to meet all the available cats. If you aren’t in a position to adopt at this time, or if Ewok isn’t the right match for you, you can still help by spreading the word so that this sunny boy can find his perfect home.
Adoptions are now done by appointment only.  Email poaplacement@gmail.com for more info and an  appointment.

Adoptions are now done by appointment only. Email poaplacement@gmail.com for more info and an appointment.

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