
Name:  Donovan

Age:     2 years

Breed: DSH

Sex:  Male



We are scheduling appointments for adopters to come in and meet our available cats.  You do not need to choose a specific cat and we are not placing cats on hold for specific adopters.  

Bayard Rustin famously said, "we need, in every community, a group of angelic troublemakers."  At the shelter right now, we have a few of those. Chief amongst them is two-year-old Donovan.

We’ve mentioned Donovan before. He is the cat who rescued himself, coming up to our intake team leader when she was out looking for a pregnant cat. He was so affectionate and friendly (and looked so rough) that she popped him into the extra carrier she had with her and took him back to the shelter. It turned out that Donovan was allergic to fleas, and as soon as his fleas were eliminated, he started to look like the handsome fellow he currently is.

Is he angelic? Well, he certainly can be. Donovan likes people. He wants to be wherever you are. He doesn’t seem to mind other cats. He doesn’t seem to mind chaos or noise or anything. In fact, he seems to revel in it. This is a cat who isn’t going to be bothered if you play drums or like to dance around the kitchen at 2 AM.

Is he a troublemaker? Again, he certainly can be. Donovan doesn’t always read the body language cues of other cats and may hop into their cages to say hello (or to see if they finished their dinner). Not every cat enjoys that. He also wants to explore everything. Which means he may dart Into the room you were trying to keep him out or climb on the counter to watch while you do the dishes.

There is no malice in him. But if you’re looking for a quiet lap cat, this isn’t your cat. (May we suggest Alex?) On the other hand…. erm paw… if you are looking for someone who will keep you on your toes, keep you company, greet your family and friends, and fill your days with an abundance of laughter, Donovan may be exactly who you’re looking for. He is an angelic troublemaker. And perhaps we all need more of those.

Adoptions are now done by appointment only.  Email for more info and an appointment.

Adoptions are now done by appointment only. Email for more info and an appointment.

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