
Name:  Alex

Age:     4 years

Breed: DSH

Sex:  Female



We are scheduling appointments for adopters to come in and meet our available cats.  You do not need to choose a specific cat and we are not placing cats on hold for specific adopters.  

Four-year-old Alex is a true beauty. She has the kind of effortless elegance that might make you think of Grace Kelly or some other iconic movie star. People regularly stop in their tracks when they see her sitting quietly in one of her favorite spots. She is just that lovely.

Tiny Alex looks like she ought to be curled up on a beautiful, embroidered pillow in a stylish sitting room. And if you only see her sitting you might think that Alex has had that kind of pampered life. But if you see her standing or walking you will know better. Because Alex puts almost no weight on her front paw.

We don’t know exactly what happened to Alex. She was found by the side of the road in a box with her kitten (now adopted). Our veterinary partners have carefully examined Alex and taken radiographs. They tell us that this is likely an old injury that received no medical attention when it might have made a difference. At this point, they don’t recommend any medical intervention. There is some arthritis in her wrist, but we have been assured that Alex is not in pain, and she has learned to get around well despite her injury. She can climb and run, and she regularly terrorizes cats four times her size. Like most animals (and people), Alex doesn’t let her injury get in the way of what she wants.

And what does Alex want? Well, a predictable routine for starters. Alex likes knowing when she will eat, when she can nap in a bed next to you while you work, and exactly what time is lap time. Yes, beautiful Alex is a lap cat. She has decided that the back office in the shelter is hers and spends most of her days with Kaily, our Shelter Director, either in Kaily’s lap or in a special basket on the desk. Wherever she is in the shelter if Alex hears that door open, she will run to the back office. And if you sit at that desk, Alex will probably joyfully hop into your lap and settle in.

Alex would also like a quieter home. She would be thrilled to be your one and only. She could probably also share a home with a cat who respects her space. But Alex needs to have special one on one time with her people. She absolutely blooms with individualized attention and a routine that she understands.

Alex may not have had the best start in life, but she can still have the best future. She doesn’t need an embroidered cushion or a fancy sitting room. All she needs is a lap and a spot that is all hers, where she can be close to you. If that sounds like heaven to you too, please fill out the application form and ask for an appointment to meet the available cats.

Adoptions are now done by appointment only.  Email for more info and an appointment.

Adoptions are now done by appointment only. Email for more info and an appointment.

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