
Name:  DiCaprio

Age:     3  years

Breed: DSH

Sex:  Male



We are scheduling appointments for adopters to come in and meet our available cats.  You do not need to choose a specific cat and we are not placing cats on hold for specific adopters.  
Three-year-old DiCaprio – a debonair extraordinaire – is an Orange Cat. This might feel like stating the obvious because he is indeed a gingery fellow. But what we mean by this is that in addition to his physical appearance, he has the personality traits that pair with his looks. Orange Cats often come with factory settings specific to orange cats: playful, goofy, entertaining, opinionated, and alpha. DiCaprio checks all the boxes. This gentleman is captivating. He loves to play and to engage with people through what can best be described as antics. Mugging for laughs is a favorite hobby.
No one can describe DiCaprio as boring. They may, however, be accurate when describing him as feisty. He likes only the right amount of petting (which is determined by him and no one else) and he prefers to be the big man on campus, meaning he’d do best as a one and only. If you are an adopter who is willing to trade snuggles for silliness, DiCaprio fits the bill. He’s ready, willing and able to entertain.
To find out more or to make an appointment to meet the available cats, please start by filling out the application on our website.  And don’t forget to spread the word so that DiCaprio can find the perfect home.
Adoptions are now done by appointment only.  Email poaplacement@gmail.com for more info and an appointment.





Adoptions are now done by appointment only. Email poaplacement@gmail.com for more info and an appointment.

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