
Name:  Suzi

Age:     5 years

Breed: DMH

Sex:  Female



We are scheduling appointments for adopters to come in and meet our available cats.  You do not need to choose a specific cat and we are not placing cats on hold for specific adopters. 
Five-year-old Suzi has had quite a few adventures! And more than a few losses. She was someone’s cat once but when they moved away, they didn’t have them for her and left her behind. The neighbors kindly fed Suzi and kept an eye on her. They were not able to take her in, but they made a space for her on their porch.
Suzi made friends with everyone who stopped by, including one man who came to do some work at the house. When that man learned that Suzi had given birth outside and was trying to care for her kittens on the porch in 95 degree weather, he decided that he had room for Suzi and her kittens. He immediately came and collected Suzi and her kittens and took them home.
Suzi was a great mom and loved both her new home and her new family. Things were finally falling into place for her. When they were old enough the man rehomed the kittens. He planned to keep sweet Suzi. Unfortunately, Suzi did not like the man’s 14-year-old cat. He tried to make it work, but ultimately, he realized he could not keep them both. So he did the right thing for his existing cat and contacted us about Suzi.
Suzi has been with Protectors of Animals a little over two weeks. She has been spayed and giving her first set of vaccinations. She is also letting us know a little bit about who she is.
Suzi is shy in new situations but loves people when she feels safe. She always looks annoyed, but it is all an act. She has a very soft little purr that will let you know she’s happy that you came to visit. She lives to be petted. And she is tired of having adventures. She wants to go home.
If you think you might have space for Suzi in your home and in your heart, please start by filling out the application on our website.  Our placement team will be in touch to walk you through our process and answer any questions that you might have. And if you don’t have room for Suzi right now you can still help with spreading the word so that she can find her home.

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Adoptions are now done by appointment only.  Email for more info and an appointment.





Adoptions are now done by appointment only. Email for more info and an appointment.

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