
Name:  Timmy

Age:     4 years

Breed: DSH

Sex:  Male



We are scheduling appointments for adopters to come in and meet our available cats.  You do not need to choose a specific cat and we are not placing cats on hold for specific adopters.  

Tim... Timmy... Timster... Tim Timiney, Tim Timiney Tim Tim Cheree... the T-Man... Timbo... Mr. T.  Some cats, like some people, just collect nicknames. Something in their casual, affable nature lends itself to dozens of silly names. Our Timmy, aged about 4 1/2, is one of those cats.

And in one way that is not surprising. Timmy is a high energy boy who likes to dash around the shelter, sliding and being a goofball. He has a little sideways hop as he runs that is guaranteed to crack you up. We can definitely see him as the second-grade kid who had trouble staying in his seat during math but could always make everyone laugh or the sweet good natured high school senior who might be late to pick his friends up but would always make sure that everyone got home safe.

But people aren't one dimensional and neither are cats. His life hasn't been perfect. When Timmy arrived at Protectors of Animals, he was afraid of wand toys coming anywhere near him, leaving us to wonder if he had ever been struck with something. We don’t know. We do know that his people abandoned him. And we know that when Timmy is nervous, he runs. Or hides. Timmy reminds us that a lot of funniest people we know are trying to lighten up the darkness.

Timmy has been with us for a relatively brief time but we have already seen big changes. Once he realized that wand toys would not hit him, he decided that he loved them. He is hiding less. He loves a good game of tag with another cat. (But Timmy doesn't always read the body language of other cats well and may think they want to play when they decidedly don't. We think he would be happiest either as a one and only with people who will play a lot with him or with a cat who has a similar vibe and doesn't mind that Timmy sometimes misses cat social cues.) He is beginning to remember that life can be a lot of fun.

With respect to people, Timmy has been gentle and affectionate. But he will need someone who understands that he is going to make mistakes, and that his crazy Timster exterior covers his sensitive Timothy soul. He will need reassurance, love, and consistent, very gentle, enforcement of the rules. The person who offers those things is going to get a wonderful cat. And we can't wait to hear what nicknames you give him.

To find out more or to make a special appointment to meet the available cats, please fill out the application at www.poainc.org.  Our placement team will be in touch to talk about next steps.  If you already have an approved application, simply email POAplacement@gmail.com.

Adoptions are now done by appointment only.  Email poaplacement@gmail.com for more info and an appointment.




Adoptions are now done by appointment only. Email poaplacement@gmail.com for more info and an appointment.

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