
Name: Frieda

Age: 6 years old

Breed: Maltese/Chihuahua mix

Sex: Female

Here's Frieda!

Say hello to Frieda! She is a 6 year old Maltese/Chihuahua mix (throw in almost 25% Pug and you've got a super cool mutt per her DNA testing!). Frieda is a stout, stocky girl weighing in at 21lbs. This girl is a sweetheart and will make an excellent canine companion for a lucky family. Frieda is housetrained and has wonderful leash manners. She is very food motivated and this has made her training quite fun and rewarding. Frieda does not need a ton of exercise - she is quite content with a daily walk in addition to regular potty breaks. Frieda is not overly needy either - she happily seeks attention, pets, and praise, then is happy to lay on her bed quietly chewing her bone. Just don't be late for breakfast time or dinner time or Frieda will remind you with the song of her people!

Frieda would be perfectly happy as the only dog in the home. She does not mind the company of other dogs though and may consider sharing her home with a friendly, calm dog (Frieda is not looking for a playmate, but rather a canine roommate/companion). A quiet, adult home or one with gentle teenagers would be a good match for Frieda as well.

Frieda is listed as "special needs" because she is on 3 different medications: an anti-fungal, prozac, and a steroid.  These 3 medications seem to be the long awaited secret formula for keeping Frieda free from skin and allergy exacerbations.  We are also providing Frieda with a prescription diet of Royal Canin Potato and Rabbit plus her favorite wet food topper Instinct Limited Ingredient Diet Real Rabbit Recipe. She is a fiend for food and easily takes her medication mixed in with her wet food. We have found that twice monthly antifungal baths (which you can do at home) have also kept her coat and skin fresh and clean. Frieda used to receive a monthly Cytopoint injection (for allergies) but has proven to do just fine with longer breaks between injections. Cytopoint may just need to be something that an adopter will consider doing when allergy season is in full bloom.

We are looking for an adopter who will maintain a relationship with a veterinarian of their choosing to ensure that Freida is getting regular check ups (at least twice a year) and recommended blood work. The cost of Frieda’s upkeep (medications and food included), can range between $120-200/month and this does not include the cost of veterinary exams or lab work. We hope this does not deter adopters from the opportunity to own the wonderful and rewarding dog that is Frieda.

To learn more about how to make Frieda your next 4-legged family member, please contact Beth at AND complete an application ASAP at

To inquire about adoption visit the dog bio's for adoption counselor contact info or call us at (860) 569-0722.  Please allow for up to one week to hear back regarding your application.

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