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George is doing GREAT! He ran under the bed when he first got him home, but within about 30 minutes, he came out and started exploring. He comes when called him and LOVES belly rubs. He likes to sit on the window sill to look out at the geese and swans swimming in the pond outside.

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Just a few pictures of Polly also known as Grumbler and now also calls her Gremlin.  Surprisingly she answers to both names.  She adores her new dad and lays behind him on the couch and grooms him.  She is the perfect addition to the clan.

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Mr Shiloh seems to be settling in and is getting pretty comfortable. Our other cat is warming up to him. They seem to be getting along. 

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Just wanted to let you know that Rosie (a/k/a Butter) is off to a great start!  She is a delightful companion – following me from room to room.

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As you can tell she made herself at home and is comfy here.  She come up to us and put her face in ours for a kiss. She is     so funny and her personality changed so much. She is a joy.


Smokey has been in his furever home for almost a year. He’s so much more settled and comfortable now.  He doesn’t run from me – he occasionally plays with Tux and he guards our home assiduously.  I think he might have been a guard dog in his last life. He spends most of his day in...

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Everyone loves Gus,  he’s a Tarzan. He has bonded wonderfully with his new family.  He has slept with  me since he came home.  Wakes me up with kisses.. He is very loved 

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Cookie and Chip

Cookie and Chip, now Chase and Skye were adopted in Sept last year.   They are amazing with their 5 yr old human brother and he loves snuggling and caring for them.   They have been such a wonderful addition to our lives and we can’t believe how quickly they’ve grown!!  They are so fun to...

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