
Salina is a truly amazing little girl. She is generous with her enthusiastic head bumps, snuggles and kisses! Her eyes sparkle with curiosity looking out the window at the birds and squirrels. She enjoys her own little windowside cat castle where she naps in the sunshine.  Her eyes sparkle as she leaps from her favorite plastic...


Winslow is doing fantastic!! His brothers Phantom (great dane) and Nick Nick (kitty) absolutely love him. Introducing Winslow to them went amazingly well, they all just love each other. Winslow is still in to everyone’s business!!! We call him “the mayor!!” 

Honey, now known as Juniper Honey Bee Russell

My family and I adopted Honey, now known as Juniper Honey Bee Russell, and we have absolutely fallen in love! She is still a bit skittish but is warming up to us and loves to get scratched behind the ears and under her chin. Juniper’s four legged siblings love her too, Faith, our dog, loved...


Bebe continues to do wonderful.  She is really warming up to us and is quite affectionate. I think she likes her new home.  

Niley (a.k.a. Ebony)

Not even a week has gone by and Niley (formerly Ebony) has settled in!  She’s 13 months and truly the baby of the family getting pampered by the everyone.  Her favorite human is our daughter who she sleeps with at night.  Niley loves her seat in the picture window where she can watch t he...


About two months ago I adopted a two year old cat, Uno. I knew that he was friendly from the moment I met him, but never realized what a companion he would turn into for me. He just loves me so much and constantly has to be with me. He’s very affectionate. I love that’s...


Nugget is super happy and growing big already. He loves his red box


Ashe is doing really well! Playful, cuddly and cute! Tiniest meow and loves belly rubs! Best cat ever!

Sky (formerly Hannah)

Sky (formerly Hannah) has settled in nicely. She seems to enjoy her two human sisters and cat brother. Here she is with with her new brother Happy (formerly Matty, also adopted from POA). 

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