
Nero is doing just fine.  Within a day of being here he found the couch, so now one end is his with his bed.  Licorice is a pest to him but overall they are getting along.  I’d say he was depressed for a little while, but recently seems to have perked up and comes to...


When Helga came out of the carrier she was not afraid at all and spent some time exploring. She checked out her new litter box and came running when she heard the can of food pop open. Afterwards she washed up and then the neatest thing: she went up to me with her tail high...

Maddie formerly Blossom

Blossom (now Maddie) is doing great! She’s wonderful company for me (as I work out of my home) and her playfulness keeps us entertained every day. She’s been spoiled with lots of toys and her own huge cat tower – she rules the roost! 

Fuzziwig a.k.a Reily

Reilly was totally petrified of everyone and any movement when we first brought him home. Things slowly progressed and within the past month he’s decided he’s head over heals for us and just can’t seem to get enough love. He is now named Fuzziwig, a character from Dickens A Christmas Carol, as he was adopted in...


It has been three weeks since we brought Jeremy home, he is settling in and finding his way here.  He is definitely still a scaredy cat, but is making progress every day! 

Dante, Artie and Coco

Dante has the guts and gumption of a true champion. He has adjusted remarkably fast. He roams the house incessantly. We are amazed at how much he “chirps”, and in love with the way he comes up on your chest for affection, brushing up against your face and kissing/licking us all over. He stares out the windows at...

Tiger and Mokey (a.k.a Catapult and Io)

  Tiger and Mokey, who are now named Catapult and Io. Catapult and Io took a bit of time to get used to their new surroundings, us, and even each other, but after about a week they were playing, chasing, snuggling and being normal kittens. We want to say thank you to you guys at...

Mim (a.k.a Samantha)

Samantha is doing great, we’ve re-named her Mim like the witch from the movie The Sword in the Stone. She immediately took to everyone at our house, it took them about a week to get used to her but now they all play and she and our other cat Beau are inseparable

Sylvie (a.k.a Skye)

Skye (we call her Sylvie now) is doing great. She seems to be very happy and healthy. She loves people and always wants to be by my side. She isn’t shy or afraid of anything! She has been a great friend and addition to the family, and I am grateful to the POA and Martha for being so...


Zoey is still in her private room. She hid for 48 hrs, but since then we have slowly progressed to where she lets me pick her up and stays on my lap for over an hour. She loves to be patted and scratched. Now she is even purring. She is eating and drinking well. We are...

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