
Please click on the Donate button to help us in our mission to increase the quality of life of all dogs and cats in the communities we serve, or consider donating in one of the other ways shown below.


Create a Legacy of Love for Animals Through Planned Giving

Whether doing estate planning, considering year-end giving, or honoring or remembering a beloved pet or person, you create legacies of tomorrow today.  Over the years, Protectors of Animals has been the beneficiary of generous bequests and planned gifts.  These contributions are made by supporters who have made a commitment to our mission in life, and who also may want to continue that legacy of caring.

Here are five ideas to consider:


Please remember that it is important to seek legal and tax advice for any planned giving decisions.  The material presented here is for informational purposes only and not intended as legal advice.  Tax rules are complex and can change.  You should review your plans for charitable giving with your attorney and tax advisor to understand fully income and tax implications.


Other Ways to Donate

Other Ways to Help

Vehicle - Protectors of Animals will gratefully accept a donation of an old vehicle as well. Please click here for more information.

Giving Assistant - Use Giving Assistant to donate to us while you shop! It’s easy: Giving Assistant helps you donate a percentage of your cash back earnings to us with every purchase you make at 1800+ popular online retailers. You’ll also find useful Kmart Coupons, as well as big savings at places like eBay, Macy's and Home Depot!

WoofTrax - Just download the free app (iOS & Android) and record your walks when you walk your dog(s). WoofTrax donates for each mile you walk your dog(s). Its a win (for you) - win (for your pet) - win (for us)!! Click here to get the app!

Advertise for POA  - Click here to download a file of our 8 1/2 X 11 inch posters with tear tabs. Post them at work, church and other public bulletin boards. With your help, we will find more loving homes for our many homeless cats and dogs.  - Place your first pet food order on our special page and POA with receive a  $20 donation!

Bottle Drive - Drop off your bottles and cans at Liquid Nirvana in Glastonbury

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