Spice (formerly Spicey)

 Spice, (formerly Spicey), is doing wonderfully. She always has to be in the middle of the action, so even though I’m awake at 3am she’s on my lap as I’m writing.

The Fluff, as we usually call her, has become extremely vocal and affectionate with us, but is now a little reserved around guests, which of course makes us feel proud that she has such an obvious preference for us. Her unique little quirks–like rearing on her hind legs for attention, “kissing,” nestling against us under the covers in bed, and using an incredible vocabulary–entertain and delight us every day. She is quite the insistent lap cat, and her motor is almost always running, but she can turn on a dime and become surprisingly playful. She is known to race around the house at lightning speed and paw at the window blinds to look outside. Everyone who meets her loves her amazingly soft fur and sweet disposition. She is rather spoiled, and we’ll certainly be celebrating her birthday next month.

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