Maddix is, in a word, a “goofball” as you can see from his pictures. I could not have asked for a nicer cat. Friendly, happy, smart, independent but talks too much.
Success Stories
Mr. Beans
Name: Mr. Beans Age: 1 -2 years Breed: Bully breed Sex: Male
Apple is doing very well. She certainly has a wonderful and unique personality. She loves to wake me up at 5am to let me know she wants her breakfast. We have fallen in love with her and she with us. We have several birds nesting in the holly bush right outside the window. She loves...
Potta now ‘Luxor’
Potta is now ‘Luxor’. Today is our 1 week anniversary. Luxor is a great cat, doing very well. He plays, sleeps, eats very well. He navigates stairs, jumps into his cat condo, jumps on my bed just fine. We play with a ping pong ball that he chases a little bit they lays down with...
Angelina is doing wonderful! We are getting along just fine. I couldn’t have found a better companion. I’ve already fallen in love with her. She is truly a blessing.
Baby is doing really well! I’m surprised at how good she transitioned, she’s with me all the time. Once in awhile something might spook her. But she’s come a long way.
Nori (a.k.a. Chanel)
Chanel is now named Nori and she is doing great and has brought a lot of joy to her whole family
Lil’ Abner
Name: Lil' Abner Age: 8 year Breed: Chihuahua Sex: Male
Bertha Lou
Name: Bertha Lou Age: 3 - 4 years Breed: American Bully Sex: Female